Gaseous Exchange In Plants

Unlike animals plants have no specialized organs for gas exchange with the few inevitable exceptions. During daytime green plants…

Cucumbers Companion Plants

These groupings of similar plants are called monocultures. Cucumbers will benefit from the shade provided by the corn stalks and …

Indeterminate Tomato Plants

Wooden stakes are most effective when they measure at least 1 inch. Because determinate plants develop all of their fruit at one …

Garlic Companion Plants

Because broccoli is a notorious calcium-hog plants that require little calcium are good companions such as beets nasturtiums and …

Walmart Tomatoes Plants

They can get 7 feet long or more and will bear through heat until frost so give them a tall cage for support. Black Krim Tomato P…

Sunflower Companion Plants

This is one of the first companion plantings that I learned about and was quite surprised when I learned this because they are bo…
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